36 pages analyzed for http://www.cybercom.com

Test performed Mon Dec 15 2014 22:16:30 GMT+0100 (CET) with sitespeed.io-desktop rules.

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.120 Safari/537.36 Viewport: 1280x800

Rule Score
87 (88)
Critical Rendering Path Score
82.0 (95.0)
Number of JS synchronously inside head
0.00 (0.00)
Number of JS files per page
10.00 (15.00)
Number of CSS files per page
2.00 (3.00)
Number of CSS images per page
11.00 (12.00)
Number of font files per page
0.00 (0.00)
Number of images per page
3.00 (11.00)
Number of requests per page
29.5 (44.0)
Requests Without Expires
5.00 (10.00)
Requests without GZip
4.00 (6.00)
Document Weight
21.8 kb (27.9 kb)
JS File Weight Per Page
492.9 kb (727.6 kb)
CSS File Weight Per Page
227.1 kb (235.2 kb)
Total page weight (including all assets)
910.4 kb (1600.5 kb)
Images scaled by the browser
0.0 (2.0)
Number of SPOF per page
1.0 (2.0)
Number Of Domains
8.00 (12.00)
Domains with only one request
5.50 (8.00)
Redirects Per Page
1.50 (4.00)
Cache Time
1 year (3 years)
Time since last modification
8 weeks (12 weeks)
179 ms (665 ms)
384 ms (864 ms)
976 ms (2471 ms)
647 ms (1441 ms)
738 ms (1719 ms)
1423 ms (2859 ms)
508 ms (1308 ms)
* The value inside of the parentheses are the 95th percentile (95% of the time, the number is below this amount)

The rules

Sitespeed.io score are based on the rules. Click here to see a detailed version of the summary. The rules are simple: Green color means you don't need to do anything (of course there could still be things you can do to get better performance). Yellow tells you that you should look into this, and guess what, red means that something is really bad. The blue color are things for your information, no rules but things that will be good to know.